
What our Patient's are Saying

Hi Marie:
I'm soooooooooooooooooooo happy !!!!Thank you so much and MY VERY BIG THANKS TO Dr Parsa for his magic ! I truly felt cared for and my long trip was priceless in knowing that I was ingood hands from the start ! I'm being good- no sun- no swimming - no weed whacking !!!! But, I thought I'd share a little photo of what I'm coming home to.....my little swimmers ! They have the end of year Banquet this Friday !
Thank you again for all !


Your Cosmetic Surgery Questions Answered

Q: I have a pre-op appointment on May 12th for Blepharoplasty. I'm a little scared about doing this. I don't want to regret it if things don't turn out good. I'm also afraid of the dry eye problem that can occur. My eye doctor says that I don't have extreme dry eyes. but I feel they are dry at times. Will they become extremely dry after surgery, for the rest of my life?

A: Every patient I see in my practice as part of their initial consultation and evaluation is tested for dry eyes. If your plastic surgeon does not routinely do this, it is because they are not familiar with these tests. That’s why it is important to make sure the surgeon operating on your eyes is an oculoplastic surgeon.


The History and Development of Reconstructive Surgery

I just wanted to share this amazing news with everyone. Surgeons' Hall Museum in Edinburgh UK is having an exhibit on the history and development of reconstructive surgery from Aug 5 2010 to April 2011. They have chosen Surgical Friends Foundation as one of the reconstructive surgery foundations to exhibit. Our Video on Elena and Andressa will be featured continuously for 8 months. It is a privilege and honor to be presented in this prestigious exhibit.

To many more beautiful possibilities in the future.

Peace & Love

please visit this website: http://www.museum.rcsed.ac.uk/content/content.aspx


Dr. Kami Parsa's Honors, Awards and Achievements

Honors Citation: Ophthalmology Clerkship

Honors Citation: General Surgery Clerkship

Honors Citation: Family Medicine Clerkship

Letter of Commendation: General Surgery Clerkship

Letter of Commendation: Gross Anatomy Course

Award Reception: General Surgery Clerkship

President of Project Case Report (1999- 2000)

USC-Baxter Research Fellowship Grant (1999)

President of American Medical Student Association, USC Chapter (1997-98)

Aull Scholarship, USC School of Medicine (1997)

Student Research Fellowship Grant (1997)

Linden Scholarship, USC School of Medicine (1996)

Cum Laude Graduate, UCLA

President of Phi Sigma Biology Honor Society, UCLA chapter (1995-96)

Dean's Honor List 7 quarters, UCLA

Doheny Eye Institute Resident Research Award ARVO 2003

Nesbaurn Award for Best Clinical Research Paper by a Resident 2003

Board of Directors. University of Miami School of Medicine Project ARPAN :
Mission to deliver medical and surgical care to developing countries.
First mission - Dec. 2005 Deesa, India

What our Patient's are Saying

Dr. Parsa:
I want to say to you that not only are you a very skillful, gifted doctor in the work you perform, but you also are blessed with something extra which puts you on a higher plane than other surgeons. I believe this extra special quality which you possess is your intuitiveness and listening abilities. I mean you give wholeheartedly to each and every one of your patients to truly hear their personal concerns when sitting in your presence. I know with me, you often had to hear me babble about nonsense. Yet, you still cared. This quality truly enables you to connect with your patient’s real needs, giving a positive end result. I want to tell you that life is definitely a gift. So, I say thank you Dr. Parsa for the gift you have given me. I sincerely express my appreciation and gratitude for your professional work, care, and passion.
Thank you so much.


Haiti. Hopital Espoir July 1st 2010 Surgical Friends


In Airport Haiti. Andrew Ordon and Kami Parsa. Surgical Friends Mission Trip


Haiti orphanage July 1st